Vincent Beers

My trade:

Developer. Primarily frontend, but have done GitOps as well.
Comfortably employed at Sogeti.

Active hobbies:

Messing around with computers.

Deep passion for video games, especially obscure hidden gems. I have made my own little games.

I also produce music for either games or fun.

Video editing. Making random little hobby websites.

Contact: vincentbeers @ gmail


Some details about my livelihood. If you want details and don't mind a wall of text, well, here you go.


I am hired at Sogeti to work for various clients.


While I'd like to keep where I work right now on a need-to-know basis, I can at least indicate what technologies I'm working with.

2019-2023: Ansible Automation @ ProRail

I am employed at ProRail in multiple teams. My responsbilities include:

2018-2019: Ops @ ING

Performed operational work at a team writing various front-end and backend services for ING Bank. My responsbilities included:
